Sunday, March 9, 2014

Amazon Prime

Does anyone use Amazon Prime and the Instant Video streaming service they provide? I am finding it hard to find anything to watch on Netflix, and I was thinking of getting an Amazon Prime membership. I have a Kindle Fire so another benefit to the Prime for me would be the Lending Library. I just would like to know some tales of experience before I decide. I could do the free trial but I don't want to use it just yet. I want to hear about other people's experiences first.

I am watching the Vampire Diaries tonight. I'm in the beginning of season two I think. I might still be in one, I don't know. I watch it on and off again. I wish I could stick to it and make progress, but working full time kind of kills the time I have to watch TV! Not that I am complaining, but I do miss all the free time I had.
When it comes to work, I've stopped talking with most people who work there. I just keep to myself, I'm not completely rude, I still speak but on break, I just pull out my Kindle and keep to myself. I don't want to be sucked into a bunch of drama that's always going on, and I'm not going to be on the "favorites list" or the "in crowd". I don't want to be in the "in crowd" there anyway, because those people are not the type of people I really want to have as my friends. The best thing that came from working there is my man (that's where we met).

My dogs and I are about to head to bed. It was a beautiful day here in Tennessee, and I took advantage of it. Watching two kids and three dogs wears a person out though! It was nice to see the sun shine and be able to spend time outside.

What did you do this weekend? Don't forget to let me know your Amazon experience!


  1. I haven't tried Amazon Prime yet, but everyone I know who has tried it loves it!


    1. Thank you! I think we are going to start our free trial in a couple weeks and see how we like it! We are going to keep Netflix too, but the movies on there aren't so great anymore. Or you have to search forever to find something. The tv show selection is pretty good though.
