Thursday, March 6, 2014

Blogging From the Recliner Tonight

I usually write my posts in my bed, because I don't have a desk. Tonight, I'm sitting in my recliner that Jeren always sits in. I came home to clean instead of going to see him and I miss him. I am going to read some more of my book in a few minutes. I'm currently reading Emma by Jane Austen. This is my first time reading it, and I'm slowly making my way through it. I generally enjoy books that I can speed through, but I am making progress in this one. It's hard to keep up because it bounces back and forth in quotes, and doesn't always say who's exactly speaking. It's all right so far though. It is different from what I usually read.

I cleaned around the house some tonight. I try to do something every day, but I usually take one night to do it really well. I hurt my finger somehow when I was cleaning the bathtub and it is sore now. I am glad I finally got the laundry put up... except I remember now that I forgot another load that is in the dryer.

Well, I'm off to put up that load. Maybe.

Have a good night!

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